wrongful death
The compassionate attorneys at Wormington & Bollinger are here to support families throughout their time of need. We advocate for justice.
Whenever death occurs, there are always loved ones left behind to grieve and deal with the aftermath. Our attorneys at Wormington & Bollinger are committed to representing those who have been injured or killed due to the negligence of others. A wrongful death claim is a legal suit that comes as a result of the death of an individual caused by the negligence or intentional action of another. A wrongful death lawsuit differs from other types of personal injury claims because in many cases the person who is bringing the suit is not the actual victim. Even more often, it is the victim’s family members or estate who is left to file a claim and enter into a wrongful death suit. The damages recovered through a wrongful death lawsuit cannot replace the loved one who was killed, but the purpose is to provide relief and support to family members who have suffered emotionally or financially as a result of the loss.
Wormington & Bollinger serves individuals in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and proudly includes a team of attorneys with expertise in these types of cases. Our attorneys will provide a solid legal framework designed to meet all of our client’s needs and the specific requirements of the State of Texas. We vow to seek full and fair compensation for your injuries, whether through settlement or trial.
It is important to note that only certain individuals can file wrongful death claims. In Texas, wrongful death claims may be filed by the surviving statutory beneficiaries or the deceased individual’s personal representative. Statutory beneficiaries may include the surviving spouse, children, or parents of the deceased. Once your relationship to the deceased has been established, your attorney can file your case if your loved one died under the following circumstances:
- Medical errors
- Fatal car or airplane crashes
- Exposure to dangerous work-related substances or conditions
- Death occurring in the midst of a supervised activity
When an individual dies as the result of the fault of another, whether negligent or intentional, it is important that the proper measures are taken to preserve medical evidence, investigate the accident, and file a lawsuit within the proper deadlines. While no one wants to deal with the loss of a loved one, especially in a tragic and preventable manner, it is likely important for you to receive justice for their untimely death. Wormington & Bollinger will stand by you and fight your battle all the way to the end. Please contact us if you have any questions about the process or would like to know what steps can be taken. With a pool of satisfied clients from all over Texas in cities like Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, and Plano, we can help you recover from such a devastating loss.
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