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medication overdosing

The skilled attorneys at Wormington & Bollinger advocate for victims of medication overdosing with unwavering dedication.

Medication errors are some of the most common types of medical malpractice we see here in Florida. In fact, mistakes with medication account for a quarter of all malpractice cases. While the majority of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are highly trained and work with precise attention to detail, others are not as careful. 

In many cases, it is the nursing staff that causes medication errors such as overdosing or administering the wrong medication. There are numerous reasons for this, including being understaffed and under-trained. When it comes to prescribing prescription drugs, it is of the utmost importance that the dosage amount is carefully followed. Even a wrong decimal point or number can have catastrophic consequences. If you have lost a loved one because of an overdose, or if you were given the wrong amount of medication because of someone else’s negligence, please contact our Florida medical malpractice lawyers. You may be able to pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit and seek compensation for this unfortunate mistake.

Side Effects of a Medication Overdose 

Any kind of medication overdose can be extremely serious, putting the patient at risk of a wide range of side effects. In recent years it has become evident that there is an opioid problem in the United States, often leading to deadly overdoses. Whether you are taking a medication for chronic pain or for another condition, it is imperative you are aware of what could go wrong if the wrong dosage is taken. 

Some of the most common side effects of dangerous drugs include:

  • Psychological or emotional problems
  • Birth defects
  • Stroke
  • Kidney or liver failure
  • Uncontrollable bleeding
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Sleeping problems
  • Digestive problems
  • Heart attack or other cardiac problems
  • Death
  • Blood clots
  • Pneumonia and other respiratory problems
  • Tooth damage due to the placement of the tube 

Common Examples of Negligence by an Anesthesiologist

Anesthesia errors range and depend on a host of factors. Some of the most common types of anesthesia errors that may result in a medical malpractice claim include:

  • Administering the wrong drug
  • Administering too much of the drug
  • Administering the wrong dosage of the drug
  • Giving the patient a drug they are allergic to
  • Failing to properly monitor vital signs
  • Failing to listen to and make changes based on a patient’s vital signs
  • Failing to recognize adverse drug reactions that may be caused by interactions between the anesthesia and other medications the patient is taking
  • Failure to provide proper instructions before the anesthesia is administered 
  • Failure to consider how the patient’s positioning may affect their blood pressure or blood supply to the brain
  • Defective equipment used during the administration of anesthesia

Complications of Anesthesia Errors

Some of the most common complications that may arise following an anesthesiology error include:

  • Pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Temporary mental confusion
  • Allergic reaction
  • Brain damage 
  • Internal damage
  • Nerve injury
  • Death
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke 
  • Blood clots
  • Pneumonia and other respiratory problems
  • Tooth damage due to the placement of the tube 

These are just some of the common complications we see. While most are minor, the most serious ones can result in long-term damage or the loss of life. If you have been the victim of an anesthesia error, please contact our Florida medical malpractice attorneys today and schedule an appointment to discuss your case.

We have licensed lawyers in Texas, Florida, Colorado, and New Mexico and are happy to discuss your medical malpractice case with you today.

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