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Why Hospital Errors Are So Dangerous – And on the Rise

Wormington-and-Bollinger-McKinney-Texas-Law-Firm-Lawyer-AttorneyAs we’ve discussed in the past, medical malpractice – and hospital errors, in particular – are a serious and growing problem in the United States. Medical malpractice is in fact the third-leading cause of death in the United States, which highlights just how big of a problem this is. In the past we have discussed nursing errors and why they are so serious, but there are many other types of medical malpractice that can result in a patient suffering a serious injury, or death. Research indicates that approximately one in every three patients experience some type of hospital-related injury during their lifetime. From minor injuries that are hardly worth mentioning to those that result in a patient losing their life, the world of medical injuries due to negligence is vast. Hospital-related injuries come in all different shapes and sizes, from someone needing additional treatment and a longer stay to readmission several months down the road.

Many people are intimidated at the very thought of suing a hospital or doctor for negligence, and for good reason. Unfortunately, many hospitals are owned by big corporations with deep pockets, enabling them to sweep problems under the rug and take care of them before anyone finds out that a doctor or hospital staff member acted negligently. In order to prevent more serious hospital errors from taking place, it is important that we raise awareness about this growing problem and that those affected take action and file a lawsuit against the doctor, nurse, or other hospital staff member responsible for their injuries.

Common Hospital Errors

Hospital negligence and medical malpractice comes in many different forms. Some of the most common McKinney hospital errors that we have seen include the following:

  • Misdiagnosis
  • Mismanagement of various health conditions
  • Birth injuries
  • Patient identification errors
  • Failure to properly locate a patient
  • Understaffing
  • Failure to properly train medical staff
  • Infections that happen as the result of unsanitary tools, equipment, or hospital environment
  • Communication errors
  • Medication errors
  • Surgical errors
  • Performing procedures not trained to do
  • Anesthesia errors
  • Improper use of medical devices

As you can see, there are many, many different types of hospital errors that can take place. The list above is an example of some of the most common, but keep in mind that it is far from exhaustive. Unfortunately, hospital errors take place on a daily occurrence and are oftentimes preventable.

Why You Need a Hospital Errors Attorney

In the event you or a loved one has sustained an injury, or worse, due to the negligence or malpractice of someone working in a hospital, it is absolutely imperative that you contact an attorney. The McKinney hospital errors lawyers here at Wormington & Bollinger have years of experience representing victims of medical malpractice and are prepared to fight for your rights. To learn more about how we can help you or about this growing problem, please contact us today.