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What to Do When a Young Athlete’s Career Is Halted by an Injury

We all love watching our kids excel in their athletic abilities as they play football or a great baseball game. They enjoy it too! Sports are an excellent way for kids to stay focused, learn discipline, learn how to work as a team, and much more. Some youth keep playing as they get older, even hoping for a career in their sport of choice, but what happens when a young athlete gets hurt, and their career is halted by an injury?What to Do When a Young Athlete's Career Is Halted by an Injury

College sports depend on young athletes to put their bodies on the line week after week for entertainment and enjoyment. The pressure to keep going and “tough it out” is tremendous, and many push through the pain until there is no more pushing to be had. And then a bad injury occurs. What happens now? Who should be held responsible for the ending of a future career?

Let’s look at what should be done next if you have or know a young athlete that has been injured while playing sports and sadly find that their career is halted by an injury.

Factors That Increase Injury Risk

Millions of kids play sports every year. Winter and fall sports, like football, basketball, ice hockey, etc., seem to be extra aggressive and require more contact than others. This, of course, results in a higher risk of injury. Other factors that increase the injury risk of young athletes include:

  • Not receiving the necessary training
  • Not providing the time for warm-ups and ample practice to build up endurance
  • Not wearing the proper safety equipment
  • Poor surfaces to play on
  • Not enough rest and water breaks
  • Not letting injured players get the appropriate rest and healing

As you can tell, all these factors that increase the risk of injury can be prevented through just a small amount of effort. That extra effort is worth it. In fact, it could change a player’s future.

Common Injuries Involving Young Athletes

Injuries, while youth are playing sports can happen without any warning. Twisting the wrong way, falling, or colliding with another player can spur an injury. There are all kinds of ways that you can get hurt, and young athletes everywhere find their career is halted by an injury quite suddenly.

Some of the most common injuries that we see in youth playing sports include:

  • Broken bones
  • Sprains and strains
  • Cuts or bruises
  • Concussion
  • Overexertion

There are also overuse injuries that you should be aware of, like:

  • Stress fractures
  • Elbow injuries from throwing too much
  • Shin splints
  • Jumper’s knee
  • Achilles’ tendinitis
  • Knee pain

While not all these injuries can always be avoided, overuse injuries can be minimized or avoided altogether. Working together with our youth, coaches, parents, and medical specialists will help coordinate efforts to keep children safe now and for their future.

Preventing Youth Sports Injuries

As coaches, athletes, and especially parents work to prevent youth sports injuries, success can be found. Small day-to-day things can be done to condition athletes properly so that they do not find themselves on the injury list.

Special care should be taken with kids and youth that wouldn’t normally need to be taken with adults. Kids may try to hide injuries or not tell their coach or parents about their pain. This is why all involved need to be vigilant in watching out for our youth.

Some of the best ways that have been found to prevent youth sports injuries include:

  • Making sure youth are in proper physical condition to play their sport.
  • Wear the appropriate safety gear for the sport being played.
  • Take the time to warm up before practice or a game.
  • Keep hydrated.
  • Take proper breaks and rest.
  • Don’t play if they are in pain.
  • Limit the number of sports your youth play each season so they aren’t physically overworked.
  • Play many types of sports throughout the year so that you’re not overusing specific muscles (for example – baseball and skiing).

Who Can Be Liable When a Child or Youth Is Injured in Sports?

Many of us believe that our children and youth are made better with their involvement in sports activities. Even though we know there are excellent pros to playing sports, there are also injury risks involved as well. That’s why those responsible for protecting youth need to know their duties and responsibilities to all ages of children, youth, and young adults.

Coaches, schools, trainers, and medical providers should know the laws of their state and country when it comes to student athletes. Proper care is required for kids to avoid unnecessary injury, and all involved with youth sports should be aware of such matters. If they don’t know the laws and rules and push an athlete too hard, an accident or injury could be the result, and they could be held responsible.

If Your Youth’s Career Is Halted by an Injury

Playing sports should be enjoyable, help youth stay physically fit, and learn lessons of teamwork and working hard to be their best.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to prevent an injury from happening, it still occurs. Hopefully, the injury will be temporary and just needs time to heal. But other times, a young adult can find that their career is halted by an injury, and there is no way back. Who is at fault when this occurs? If you believe it is the fault of a coach, school, or someone else, an attorney that specializes in personal injury should be your first call.

The legal team at Wormington & Bollinger is anxious to help you and your youth or young adult. We know how life-altering it can be when a career is halted by an injury and are ready to make sure that those that should be held responsible are. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your situation and the legal options you have moving forward.