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What to Do if You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse

what-to-do-if-you-suspect-nursing-home-abuse-wormington-and-bollingerNursing home abuse is a serious problem in the United States right now, and it can come in many different forms. While many people immediately think of physical abuse when they hear of a nursing home resident being abused, this is not always the case. Emotional, financial, sexual, and mental abuse are also quite common throughout assisted living facilities. It is imperative for family members to be aware of the various signs of abuse and remain vigilant when it comes to the care and safety of their loved one. Elderly residents are incredibly vulnerable to nursing home abuse and are often unable to stand up or advocate for themselves. If you suspect your loved one has been abused or neglected by caregivers in a nursing home, be sure and report it immediately. It is important that nursing home abuse cases are handled with care and attention and are not left to figure themselves out. Here at Wormington & Bollinger, our Dallas nursing home abuse attorneys have handled countless cases just like this and are prepared to do the same for you today.

If you suspect your loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse, these are the steps you should follow:

  • Make sure you know what to look for – There are numerous obvious signs of nursing home abuse, but there are also signs that may go undetected. If you suspect your loved one is not being properly cared for, make sure you know how to recognize the following signs of abuse:
    • Bed sores
    • Sudden weight loss
    • Staff prevents you from visiting your loved one without notice
    • Unusual or large financial transactions
    • Unexplained injuries
    • Change in behavior
    • Poor personal hygiene
    • Unsanitary living conditions
    • Physical issues from lack of nutrition
    • Lack of mobility
  • Report the incident – Once you are sure your loved one is being abused, the first thing you must do is report it. By law, management is required to address your concerns. If you report your concerns to management and they do nothing, it is time to get the police involved. If the situation is an emergency, call 911 right away to ensure your loved one gets the immediate medical attention they need.
  • Gather information – Once you know your loved one is safe and no longer at risk of abuse, it’s time to start collecting pertinent information. This is especially the case if the situation is not an emergency. Talk to witnesses in the nursing home and get as much information as you can about the type of care – or lack thereof – your loved one has received.
  • Take your loved one home or elsewhere – If you suspect abuse, it is imperative you get your loved one out of that situation as soon as possible. Place them in a facility that will give them the care they need and make sure they are safe from any further abuse.
  • Contact a nursing home abuse attorney – An attorney who specializes in nursing home abuse will be able to advise you on how to proceed. If your suspicions are correct and your loved one has indeed been abused or neglected in some manner while in a nursing home, they will help you file a lawsuit.

Contact Wormington & Bollinger today to learn more about your rights following a nursing home abuse incident. Our McKinney nursing home abuse attorneys have represented countless individuals in these situations and are prepared to do the same for you.