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Watch Out for These Injury Risks on Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is what starts it all – the holiday shopping, yummy food, and getting together with family and friends. It’s a special time of year, and there’s nothing quite like it! Unfortunately, all that fun and celebration could come to a screeching halt if an accident were to happen. Many of us like to ignore the injury risks on Thanksgiving Day but should be informed about them so that we can be extra cautious this holiday season and keep our families safe.Watch Out for These Injury Risks on Thanksgiving Day

Common Injury Risks on Thanksgiving Day

Car Accidents

A car accident involving you, your family, or both, is one of the worst injury risks on Thanksgiving Day. It is one of the most frequent accidents that occur over the Thanksgiving weekend. While not all car accidents are serious, many are, especially with many people out on the road during this popular holiday. So many families are traveling long distances to be together, which increases the risk of more accidents occurring as well.

So, what can you do to reduce your risk of being in a car accident? Be more aware! Even if you’re getting a phone call or a text on your phone, wait until you pull over or have arrived at your destination before picking that phone up. It’s an inconvenience, but one that could save your life as well as the lives of others. Give yourself extra time to get to your holiday party and Thanksgiving feast. Plan for extra people to be on the road, and limit your frustrations by having ample time to get where you’re going.

If a winter storm is headed your way on Thanksgiving Day or during the weekend that you would be traveling, make plans to leave early so that you can avoid being stuck in a dangerous situation with icy roads and blizzard conditions.

DO NOT get behind the wheel if you are impaired due to alcohol consumption, and watch out for others coming from holiday celebrations that may be driving drunk. In 2019 the National Safety Council stated that 29% of fatalities involved an alcohol-impaired driver over the Thanksgiving holiday. That’s only counting the fatalities, not those that were just injured. Not a statistic you want to be part of!

Remember, you can play an essential part in keeping injury risks on Thanksgiving Day to a minimum this year. Use the suggestions mentioned above to reduce the chances of you and your family getting hurt during Thanksgiving and all year long.

Slip and Fall

Slips and falls continue to be one of the biggest reasons people visit the emergency room each winter season. You are most likely out and about getting ready for Thanksgiving and the holidays to follow during stormy weather. Watching for black ice may not be at the forefront of your mind, but it needs to be, even as you’re rushing here and there.

With liability risk so high from people slipping and then holding companies responsible for falls, businesses are paying extra attention. You’ll notice that most are making sure that their walks and parking lots are shoveled, clear of ice, and then salted well. While they are doing their best to minimize accidents, there’s no way to free all surfaces from ice, especially when mother nature kicks in. Watch carefully, wear appropriate shoes for the conditions, and move slowly if you question an area’s safety.

Keep an extra eye out for older adults who may have trouble on icy surfaces or in unfamiliar surroundings. Stairs without handrails and more can be an extra fall danger.

Food Poisoning

Holiday parties are upon us, and potluck dinners and restaurant visits come with that. Of course, food poisoning is always a risk in these situations, but chances of it happening are increased on Thanksgiving Day and during the holidays as so much excitement surrounds the food itself.

Is the turkey cooked thoroughly? Have other side items been kept cool appropriately during travel to ensure their safety? How quickly is food put away after the big feast to keep temperatures in the safe zone and ready to eat as leftovers later? You can be extra watchful in this area on Thanksgiving Day and suggest options to keep everyone safe. If something is in question, don’t partake.

Remember that restaurants aren’t immune to food poisoning either. With more and more people eating out and meeting up with friends at a restaurant during the holidays, kitchens become overwhelmed, and safe food handling can often be ignored. If something smells off or doesn’t taste quite right, send it back, or simply don’t eat it.

Winter Sports Accidents

Are you one of the families that have a Turkey Bowl every year or go skiing after the feast? Sledding is also a great winter pastime, as are ice skating and snowmobiling. Unfortunately, while these can all be so much fun, some accidents occur.

Most times, accidents are accidents, and there’s not much you can do about it. Other times, negligence is involved on the part of property owners or businesses. This is where you need to get an experienced attorney involved. It can be a tricky situation if the injury occurs on a friend’s property, but special care can be taken. Often insurance takes care of things, and life can move on.

Need Help Navigating Your Injury Claim?

If you or one of your family members becomes the victim of a personal injury that shouldn’t have happened, act as soon as possible. Seek out medical treatment first, always see a doctor if possible, and then contact Wormington & Bollinger to take care of the rest.

Injury risks on Thanksgiving Day will always be around, but that doesn’t mean you have to take part. Do all you can to stay safe this holiday season and if an accident does occur, keep yourself safe legally by hiring a team to watch out for you and your family’s best interest. Contact us for more details on how we can help today.