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The Different Types of Abuse in Nursing Homes

The Different Types of Abuse in Nursing Homes Wormington and Bollinger MckinneyResearch varies regarding how many U.S. citizens over the age of 65 who have been mistreated, exploited, injured, or abused by a caregiver. Some believe around 1-2 million seniors have been abused, whereas others say 5 million. The fact of the matter is that nursing home abuse is a very serious problem in our country, with no signs of slowing down. These cases often go unreported, as many seniors do not know who to turn to when they are being abused by the very person charged with their care. Others are embarrassed or confused by the situation altogether. This is why it is so important for us to understand not only the different signs of nursing home abuse, but the various types of abuse.

When most people hear the term, “nursing home abuse”, they think of physical abuse. However, that is not the only type of wrongdoing they face. As McKinney nursing home abuse lawyers, we have represented countless victims of these types of crimes and are prepared to do the same for you today. We understand how difficult it can be to learn your loved one has been mistreated or neglected, which is why we are here for you and your family. To learn more about your options following a nursing home abuse incident, please contact Wormington & Bollinger today.

Here now is a look at the different types of abuse that occur in nursing homes:

  • Physical Abuse – In a nursing home, physical abuse includes the intentional infliction of physical harm on a resident. Hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, or the use of excessive restrains are just a few examples of this. However, withholding prescribed medications is also considered physical abuse.
  • Emotional Abuse – Another common type of abuse is emotional abuse of nursing home residents. This is often more difficult than physical abuse to detect, as there are no physical symptoms. Emotional abuse is defined as causing the resident anxiety, anguish, fear, or other mental states. When a caregiver or resident insults the elder, verbally assaulting, threatening, or intimidating them, it is considered emotional abuse.
  • Sexual Abuse – This type of abuse is defined as having non-consensual sex with an elder. This may include unwanted touching, sexual assault, coerced nudity, sodomy, taking pictures of an elder when they are nude, and intercourse.
  • Neglect – When a person charged with the care and well-being of an elderly person refuses or fails to provide them with the care they need to live a comfortable life, it is considered neglect. This includes failing to give them water, food, shelter, clothing, medicine, personal hygiene, and safety.
  • Financial Abuse – Financial abuse of an elder occurs when someone else uses the elderly person’s assets or other property illegally or improperly. This could mean forging their signature, taking money from them, signing their checks, or forcing the elderly person to sign a document they do not understand. Other examples include stealing the elderly person’s possessions or money and taking advantage of being power of attorney.

If you believe your elderly loved one is being abused or mistreated in a nursing home or other long-term care facility, please contact Wormington & Bollinger today. Our McKinney nursing home abuse lawyers are here to answer any questions you may have and help you pursue a nursing home abuse case.