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The Consequences of Driving While Texting

It only takes a quick look at a text from your friend or looking down to dial a phone number for an accident to happen. When you are driving while texting or distracted in other ways, life-changing, possibly devastating consequences can find you.

Distracted driving affects people of all ages. We all deal with the challenges of everyone and everything pulling at us. While multitasking is a normal part of life these days, doing it while driving is not the time. When you think about it, people who drive distracted are placing larger importance on their distraction than the safety of others. Safe driving is vital for all of us.

What Exactly is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is anything that takes the focus and attention away from driving. This can include something that takes the driver’s hands off of the steering wheel, the driver’s eyes off the road, or even the driver’s mind off of driving.

Texting while driving is only one of the many ways a driver can be distracted, but it is considered one of the most dangerous. This is because it not only takes the driver’s eyes off the road but it distracts the driver’s mental direction as well.

Have you ever driven home from work, and when you arrived home, you had no idea how you got there? This is an excellent example of being mentally distracted. We all have a lot on our minds, but focusing on our driving is important. Going through the motions with our minds elsewhere can have devastating effects.

Other examples of distracted driving include:

  • Changing the radio station
  • Eating or drinking
  • Talking or texting on the phone
  • Disciplining kids
  • Talking to other passengers
  • Applying makeup
  • Looking for directions on your phone
  • Driving under the influence

The Seriousness of Driving While Texting

Many people, especially teens, have a hard time understanding the extreme seriousness of distracted driving. Unfortunately, when we are mentally unaware of our driving or are looking elsewhere, the chance of an accident increases dramatically.

Studies show that people using their phones to either talk or text while driving can be impaired just like a drunk driver is. The response time for a distracted driver is slowed immensely, hindering the ability to avoid a crash altogether.

The consequences of driving while texting isn’t just something that we talk about. There are sad, life-altering results that we see each day. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2019 alone, 3,142 people were killed by distracted driving. This doesn’t even begin to count those that were injured, sometimes quite severely. These numbers are on the rise each year despite the ongoing education and pleas for change.

Consequences of Driving While Texting

Because of the many ways we can all become distracted while driving, it is impossible to make laws against each one. However, lawmakers have become involved in the last few years in outlawing the biggest distractions while driving. In fact, 48 states as well as Washington DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, now have laws that make driving while texting illegal. Because of the severe consequences of driving while texting or driving distracted in general, many states now ban specific use of cell phones while driving, requiring hands-free options. Some have banned the use of cell phones altogether while driving.

On top of a ticket, they can increase your insurance premiums if you get a ticket for such distractions. Remember, every state has its own laws and penalties. When you travel, make sure you check out the regulations in the areas you plan to drive. If you don’t, you may end up with a hefty fine!

Although tickets and increased insurance costs are a pain, the lives that can be lost and changed forever are the real consequences.

My Text is Important!

Although your text may be critical, it’s not important enough to risk your life over. If you have to receive a call or answer a text, you can:

  • Pull over at a safe location to respond
  • Have a passenger answer for you
  • Keep your phone in a place that you cannot reach until you arrive at your destination if the temptation is too great

Stay Focused and Pay Attention

When we are driving distracted, no matter the distraction, we are putting ourselves and others around us at risk. Our chances of being involved in an accident increase dramatically. Checking a silly text is not worth the possible consequences.

When you get behind the wheel, pay attention to what distracts you. For example, is it driving while texting? Do you often eat in the car? Are you regularly late for work, so you apply your makeup while driving? When you know what is distracting you, you can make a change. Making that change can help you and others arrive at their end goal safely.

Don’t forget to check in with your friends and talk to them about how they can avoid distracted driving. When you’re in the car with a distracted driver, your safety is at risk, period. While it can seem awkward to address your concerns, it’s essential to safeguard yourself and your friends. So begin today to drive focused and alert.

A Distracted Driver Injured Me

If you or someone you know and love has been hurt in a serious car accident due to distracted driving, physical, emotional, mental, and financial repercussions can occur. Sometimes, the ability to work is even in question after a difficult injury. Wormington & Bollinger is able to help sort out all of the overwhelming logistics as well as help you get compensated for your losses. Auto collisions are something our attorneys have a great deal of experience with. You’ll find the advice and peace of mind the attorneys at Wormington & Bollinger can offer are unmatched.

For more information or questions about driving while texting, contact us today. The experienced attorneys at Wormington & Bollinger are here to help in your time of need.