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Statins and their health risks: FDA, Lipitor and more

Statins-and-their-health-risks-FDA-Lipitor-Wormington-and-Bollinger-McKinney-Texas-Attorney-Lawyer.jpgWith the rise of heart disease, due to dramatic changes in the American lifestyle in the last three to four decades, high cholesterol has become a dangerous health reality for many people. People who are diagnosed with high cholesterol problems take statins, like Lipitor. Statins are basically cholesterol-controlling medicines taken by millions of Americans to reduce (harmful) low-density lipids (LDLs) from blocking arteries.

Although statins have helped people control their cholesterol, their consumption can increase the risk of various health conditions in consumers. The FDA has pointed out the following risks that come with taking statins:

  • Liver injury
  • Memory Loss
  • Diabetes
  • Muscle Damage

All these side effects are detrimental to a person’s health but the one that has stood out for many American women is diabetes. Several studies have confirmed that patients (especially women in their postmenopausal years) who consume statins experience an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus (or type 2 diabetes). The Lancet published a study in 2010 that concluded that statin therapy resulted in 9% increased risk for diabetes (mostly for older study participants). Moreover, a study released in 2012, which was conducted on more than 160,000 postmenopausal women over a span of several years showed that statin consumption (in the participants) was associated with a significant increase in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In fact, a popular statin, Lipitor has been accused of being the cause for development of diabetes in more than 4000 women in the US, resulting in thousands of lawsuits against it manufacturer, Pfizer.

Lipitor has been prescribed to more than 29 million patients and is one of the best-selling prescription drugs in the US. It works by preventing an enzyme in the liver from producing LDLs that can block arteries and result in heart disease. However, many women are claiming that it has caused them to become diabetic and that Pfizer did not warn them of this danger. On the other hand, experts in the FDA and other medical experts say that the benefits of taking statins outweigh the risks and therefore, taking statins like Lipitor is safe. Moreover, Pfizer has denied liability and is ready to face plaintiffs in the court.

A doctor’s prescription of Lipitor or any other statin should be taken very seriously and followed strictly however, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes after taking Lipitor you may be eligible to file a lawsuit. The experienced attorneys at Wormington and Bollinger will go over your case and determine whether you are eligible to file a lawsuit against Pfizer. Our McKinney Lipitor lawyers have the knowledge and experience necessary to handle complicated pharmaceutical litigation claims. To learn more about your legal options with respect to diabetes caused by statins, or to file a claim, please contact Wormington and Bollinger.