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September 8, 2021

Insurance Claim Is Denied: What to Do Next

There’s almost nothing more frustrating than finding out your insurance claim is denied. After all, you have faithfully made your payments each month to your insurance company, and when it’s their turn to help with a claim, they come up...
August 26, 2021

7 Signs that Something Is Wrong Post-Surgery

When you plan to have surgery, you look forward to the amazing results that the doctor told you to expect. You long to feel that sense of relief when you hear that things have gone well and your surgery is...
July 23, 2021

Options If You Were in an Accident with a Truck Driver

Large 18-wheeler trucks are everywhere on the road these days. With truck drivers often struggling to stay awake from the long driving hours, things can get scary fast. The services that truck drivers provide are important, but their large rigs...
July 19, 2021

Crosswalk Injury Prevention for School Kids

Would you believe that the number of pedestrian deaths in 2019 hit the highest number in 30 years? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports there were 6,205 pedestrian deaths in 2019, and they expect the numbers to rise...