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May 10, 2019

Summer and Motorcycle Accidents

There were 505 motorcycle accident fatalities in Texas in 2017 The temperatures are starting to rise here in Texas and elsewhere throughout the United States, which means more motorcyclists on the roadways. As motorcyclists everywhere excitedly get their bikes ready...
April 25, 2019

Signs of Elder Abuse

5 million elders are abused every single year Elder abuse occurs when a vulnerable elderly person is neglected or abused in some manner by a caregiver or other trusted individual. According to the National Council on Aging, it is estimated...
April 5, 2019

What is Distracted Driving?

Unfortunately, distracted driving is on the rise in the United States, resulting in thousands of preventable deaths every single year. In 2017 alone, there were an estimated 40,100 motor vehicle deaths and distracted driving contributed to the loss of 3,166...
March 22, 2019

Lennie Bollinger Rising Stars Super Lawyer

We are pleased to announce that Lennie F. Bollinger, of Wormington & Bollinger, has been selected to the 2019 Texas Rising Stars list. This is an exclusive list, recognizing no more than 2.5 percent of attorneys in the state. Super...
March 20, 2019

Johnson & Johnson Accused of Acting as Opioid “Kingpin”

What Happened According to many state officials around the country spearheaded by Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter, Johnson & Johnson acted as the “kingpin” behind America’s current opioid crisis. Hunter alleges that Johnson & Johnson utilized a chain of foreign...
March 18, 2019

E-Scooters: Are They Safe?

Electronic scooters have swiftly filled most major cities around the country. Dallas joined that collective group just last summer. These venture-funded companies are filling a void that many did not realize was empty just like Uber and Lyft did with...
March 12, 2019

Medical Devices Causing Unnecessary Harm

Medical devices are becoming commonplace in our society today, but they may be causing unnecessary harm to thousands of patients. According to an article from Kaiser News, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has a hidden repository of reports on...
March 6, 2019

Drunk Driving and St. Patrick’s Day

In just a short period of time, the nation will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, an international holiday celebrating the Irish patron saint of the same name. It is often associated with heavy drinking at bars, pubs, house parties, and...