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Options If You Were in an Accident with a Truck Driver

Large 18-wheeler trucks are everywhere on the road these days. With truck drivers often struggling to stay awake from the long driving hours, things can get scary fast. The services that truck drivers provide are important, but their large rigs can present quite a bit of danger on the highway. If cars or even trucks collide with a large semi-truck, the outcome can be catastrophic.

In 2018, 5,096 semi-trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes. As the number of materials and products transported with large trucks increases, the opportunity for more accidents with them also increases. Just think of those big trucks, some weighing around 80,000 pounds, slamming into a car about 4,000 pounds. This weight difference can mean the difference between life and death.

What Do I Do If a Truck Driver Has Hit Me?

An accident with a truck can be terrifying and very serious. It’s important to know what to do if this happens. Many people don’t know that filing legal claims for this situation can be very different from a regular car accident. Let’s look at the first steps that should be taken if you are in an accident with a large truck.

  1. Safety First – After an accident, making sure you and your passengers are safe, and others involved in the accident is the first priority. Often, accidents involving large trucks can cause serious injuries and require emergency medical attention.

Sometimes injuries from car accidents don’t necessarily show quick symptoms, so get evaluated even if you don’t think you need to. There could be something more going on that you don’t know, and if symptoms come up later, you could have a hard time proving it was from the accident if you don’t have an exam on record.

Deal with injuries and make sure everyone is okay before thinking about anything else.

  1. Call 911 – If you have injuries or not, calling the police should be your next step. Even if the accident doesn’t seem too bad, make sure to get a police report. This report will be a good record of the accident and will keep track of all those involved.
  2. Document – If you are uninjured and able to document evidence at the scene, make sure to do so. If it’s safe, get out of your car and walk around it to take pictures. Pictures speak volumes and will be a massive help in your case. If it’s safe and feasible, gather contact information of witnesses and those involved in the accident, including insurance information.
  3. Get Your Car Checked Out – Even if your car doesn’t look like it has much damage, you should get an appraisal.

Be sure NOT to get your vehicle repaired quickly. Every insurance company has different requirements with its claims. They may request additional documentation to be submitted in order to pay for damages. Some will ask you to take your vehicle to a body shop on their “approved list.”

If you do have your car towed somewhere after the accident, make sure that the body shop you have it taken knows they should not start to make repairs until they get the “go ahead” and insurance has approved it.

  1. What NOT to say – After an accident, things can get heated. You might be extremely frustrated or angry with the truck driver, but being nice will get you a long way. You could regret saying things of anger when it comes down to it. Keeping cool after an accident can help your case down the road.

DO NOT admit fault at the scene of the accident. You may know you’re at fault but keep it to yourself. You don’t need to lie, but don’t talk about the details of the accident. There may be other factors that contributed to the accident that could reduce your liability. Keep the details for your lawyer.

  1. DO NOT post on social media about your accident. Being involved in an accident with a large truck is often a much bigger deal than an average accident between other cars. The accident could involve very serious injuries as well as expensive clean-up and road closures.

You might even see something about it on the news but resist posting or commenting about it. They can use the things you say or pictures you post against you in a claim.

  1. Call Your Insurance Company – Talk to your insurance company soon after your accident, even if you were not the one that caused the accident. This way, you will be able to take full advantage of your coverage. They will be able to tell you what they need from you and may also give you quick assistance with your medical bills if they are providing your personal injury protection.
  2. Call a lawyer – Getting a lawyer as soon as possible can be significant in your legal claims. For example, if you or someone you love has been seriously injured in an accident involving a large truck, following the above steps to the “T” may not have been an option. An experienced law firm team can help you navigate the steps necessary for you to get a fair settlement.

A truck accident can get complicated because so many people are involved, including the truck driver, the truck driver’s employer, and the manufacturer of the product in transit. Including a lawyer as soon as you can, can help take the burden off of you.

Accidents involving large trucks are often fatal or cause severe injuries. So don’t leave your settlement to chance.

Your Legal Team for Accidents

At Wormington & Bollinger, we have years of experience in dealing with accidents with truck drivers. These kinds of legal and insurance claims are what we do. We know who to work with and how to work with other attorneys and insurance companies to get you what you deserve. Our team will be your trusted advisor when you need it most. Contact us today for more information or talk to a member of our legal team about your case.