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One of The Leading Causes of Car Accidents? Speeding

Speeding-Car-Crash-Wormington-and-BollingerIf you think back to when your parents were first teaching you how to drive, chances are you can recall them talking about how important the speed limit is. This is still the case, whether you are 16 or 60. It probably won’t come as a shock, but speeding is one of the leading causes of car accidents in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding contributes to one out of every three fatal car accidents. Sure, distracted driving, road rage, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol are all among the top causes of crashes, but speeding results in the most serious injuries and fatalities.

In recent years we have seen a decline in the number of incidents involving impaired driving and failure to wear a seatbelt, but the same can not be said for speeding, unfortunately. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident involving a driver who was going over the marked speed limit, you may be able to file a speeding lawsuit here in McKinney. The car accident attorneys at Wormington & Bollinger are highly trained on these types of cases and are prepared to fight for your rights. We have extensive knowledge of Texas’ traffic laws and will do everything in our power to ensure justice is served.

About Speeding Accidents

According to the NHTSA, speeding is a factor in approximately 30% of fatal car accidents in the United States each year. This means that around 10,000 people die in the U.S. every year in speed-related car crashes. It’s safe to say that pretty much every driver has been tempted to exceed the speed limit at one time or another. In fact, it is quite common for drivers to engage in some level of speeding each time they take their car out on the roadways. However, speeding is quite serious and can lead to devastating, life-changing accidents. Speed limits are in place for a reason, and when they are abused danger can ensue. Speed-related car crashes are so serious due in large part because of the high impact and level of speed. The faster a car is going, the longer it takes to stop and the easier it is for the driver to lose control. Sadly, speeding is a factor in many car accidents that could have been avoided if people simply followed the limits in place.

Causes of Speeding

Speeding obviously occurs when a driver puts more pressure on the accelerator, causing the car to travel at a higher speed than before. That being said, there are a handful of reasons why people speed, including the following:

  • Due to recklessness
  • Drivers who are in a hurry
  • Drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Drivers who think they are ‘alone’ on the roads
  • Drivers who think they are above the law

To learn more about filing a speeding lawsuit in McKinney, please contact our law office right away.