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Yet Another Case of a Medical Instrument Left Inside a Patient

Medical-Instrument-in-Body-Wormington-and-Bollinger-Texas-LawWhen we check into a hospital or healthcare clinic for a surgery of any kind, we are putting our trust in the surgical staff and doctors. Undergoing a surgery can be an intimidating and scary experience, regardless of what type of operation is being performed. Unfortunately, we have seen an increasing number of medical malpractice cases over the years, many of which involve medical instruments being left inside the patient. The notion that a trained and capable doctor can make such a huge mistake and actually leave an item inside a patient is shocking, but not uncommon.

Just recently, a Turkish woman discovered that the doctors had left surgical scissors inside her body some five years ago after she was treated for uterine cancer. For five long years the woman lived in agony and discomfort, not understanding where the source of pain was coming from. The operation she underwent was considered routine, yet the doctors made a huge error that impacted the woman’s quality of life for the next five years. She was told the pain was part of her recovery, only to discover just this year that was not the case. She is now suing for malpractice.

How Common Are These Cases?

According to a report by Johns Hopkins University, more than 4,000 people a year have surgical instruments or equipment left behind in their body after undergoing routine surgeries. This is an eye-opening figure that highlights this growing problem. As leading McKinney medical mistakes attorneys, we understand how devastating these types of cases can be. In fact, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States. There are many different types of medical malpractice, all of which are extremely serious and can have lasting, long-term effects on the patient and their loved ones.

Some of the most common surgical instruments that are left inside the body after an operation include the following:

  • Scissors, tweezers, and needles
  • Sponges
  • Gauze
  • Retractors
  • Clamps and forceps

While it is true that many of the patients who leave the hospital with surgical items in their bodies never have any issues, this isn’t always the case, as we saw with the case mentioned above. The consequences of patients carrying surgical sponges, scissors, or other instruments around in their bodies are enormous. Side effects can range from searing pain to digestive dysfunction, infection, puncture of internal organs, and even death.

If you or a loved one had a surgical instrument left in your body, chances are you will be able to file a medical malpractice claim. These type of incidents are considered ‘never events’ because they are always preventable. There is absolutely no reason that a surgical instrument should ever be left inside a patient’s body, yet it happens all the time. In the event a surgical instrument is left inside the body and the patient is injured as a result, both the hospital and surgeon may be held accountable. To learn more about Wormington & Bollinger’s medical malpractice services, please contact us today.