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Landmark Lead Paint Lawsuit Shows Trial Lawyers Fighting for Public Good

Recently, a team of lawyers who won a landmark lead paint cleanup lawsuit were named Public Justice’s 2014 Trial Lawyers of the Year. 27 attorneys won a $1.15 billion judgement against major paint manufacturers who were found responsible for the critical health issues caused by the lead content of paint.

Lead paint has consistently been shown to cause serious health issues, especially in children who inhale or consume paint chips and particles. Lead poisoning can cause many serious and irreparable health conditions including organ damage, brain development problems, behavior and attention problems, and more. This landmark victory represents a major step forward in mandating corporate responsibility and overall public health.

Three major manufacturers, ConAgra, NL Industries, and Sherwin-Williams were ordered to pay the $1.15 billion judgement after the court ruled that lead paint in homes is a public nuisance. The $1.15 billion will be paid into a fund run by the state of California used to inspect homes for lead paint and perform lead removal where needed. This fund could be responsible for saving and improving the lives of thousands of children who otherwise might suffer from the horrific symptoms of lead poisoning.

The success of this lawsuit is a shining example of the value that experienced and compassionate attorneys bring to consumers. Despite negative stereotypes that some people might hold about lawyers, cases like this show the immense public good created by legal professionals who passionately advocate for the rights of consumers.

This is especially true given that those families currently suffering the most from lead paint poisoning tend to be lower income, minority families. These families may often be living in older homes and may not have the resources needed to assess and remove lead paint. When comparing the massive legal resources held by giant corporations like ConAgra against those of a struggling lower income family, we can see that this legal outcome is a tremendous victory for the rights of average Americans against corporate negligence and malice,

As we have previously shown in past posts, injury lawyers often act as the last line of defense that consumers have to protect themselves against corporations. In this case, thousands of families will now have the support they need to make their homes safe for their children. This legal victory is a victory for all American consumers, won by a team of attorneys who fought selflessly for public safety against overwhelming corporate resources.

At Wormington & Bollinger, we applaud the work of the winning team and we work every day to achieve similar victories for our clients and community. If you or a loved one is struggling to fight for your rights against corporate negligence or malice, the team at Wormington & Bollinger is here to help. Contact us today for a free legal consultation.