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E-Scooters: Are They Safe?

E-Scooters Are They Safe | Wormington & BollingerElectronic scooters have swiftly filled most major cities around the country. Dallas joined that collective group just last summer. These venture-funded companies are filling a void that many did not realize was empty just like Uber and Lyft did with their own taxi service. E-scooters provide a quick and efficient way to get around the city. Some use them purely for recreational purposes rather than just transportation. All you need to do is download the app on your phone, pay a small fee up front, then pay fees for time used and distance traveled. While these e-scooters are fun and convenient, they also come with unknown dangers.

Dangers of E-Scooters

There is little to no official numbers of e-scooter accidents or even deaths, even though there have been fatal accidents in Los Angeles, Dallas, London, and Singapore. Due to their increasing popularity, research has finally been done by the University of California Los Angeles. The study was published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open. The researchers studied a case series of medical records of all patients who came into emergency departments with injuries sustained using e-scooters. The study lasted from September 1, 2017, to August 31, 2018. Here are some of their findings:

  • 249 patients were presented with injuries incurred during e-scooter use
  • 10.8% were younger than 18
  • Only 4.4% admitted to wearing a helmet
  • 91.6% were injured as riders
  • 4.8% had a BAC greater than 0.05%
  • Most common injuries were
    •   Head Injuries (40.2%)
    •   Fractures (31.7%)
    •   Soft-Tissue Injuries (27.7%)

An interesting fact to note from this study is how little helmet use was documented. It makes sense why the greatest frequency of injury occurred to be head injuries, which can end up being life-threatening if severe enough. Most e-scooter companies recommend that riders operate these with a helmet or proper head protection, but it seems most tend to ignore this basic safety function.

Not all dangers while using these rides come from falls or trips. In some instances, people walking on the sidewalk can be a danger or in danger, and in severe cases, cars on the roads are always a danger. In Austin, a UT student collided with a car while riding a scooter, giving him critical injuries that took his life. 

How to Avoid Accidents

With the number of e-scooters continues to rise with there being 65,000 spread all across America, the number of accidents is sure to rise as well. However, there are simple and easy ways to avoid injury.

  • Wear a Helmet: The most obvious safety tip remains wearing a helmet, but it is hardly ever followed.
  • Stay Alert: This shouldn’t have to be told to pedestrians walking the street, but with the number of users growing and many of them inexperienced riders, they become a danger. Pedestrians must stay vigilant to their surroundings to avoid possible collisions with riders. E-scooter riders must always remain alert while driving at such high speed. Hitting a pedestrian or even a car could cost them.
  • Respect the Law: With all forms of transportation, there are laws put in place to regulate them. There are rules to the sidewalk and to the roads, and users must abide by them. Using a bike lane is an accepted and safer method of using an e-scooter.
  • Learn How to Use One: If you plan on using an e-scooter frequently, it is crucial that you become well informed on how these machines operate. It is best to practice in an area with very little road traffic and sidewalk traffic to build up confidence and expertise in riding a scooter.

Due to how new these e-scooters have become, there is little knowledge and data out on them, but regardless of the lack of information, accidents can and will happen. It is important to remain aware and responsible when in the use of a scooter. If you or a loved has been involved in an e-scooter related accident, the legal side of things may be new and confusing. Do not hesitate to reach out to our team of experienced attorneys at Wormington and Bollinger.