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Causes of Medical Malpractice

causes-of-medical-malpractice-wormington-and-bollingerMedical malpractice is a very serious and growing problem here in the United States. In fact, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in our country, behind heart disease and cancer. This may come as a shock to many of you, and rightfully so. When we see a doctor or specialist or go to the hospital, we expect to be cared for and brought back to health with compassion and expertise. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. The negligence of doctors, nurses, hospitals, and other medical professionals results to literally hundreds of thousands of deaths each year in the United States, most of which are preventable. The senseless deaths and injuries that are caused by medical errors occur for a wide range of reasons, some of which we will discuss in a bit.

Most doctors work hard to ensure their patients are taken care of and leave their care healthier than when they came in. However, mistakes are made on a regular basis, many of which lead to serious consequences. There are numerous reasons for the increase in deaths caused by medical malpractice, including the fact that we live in an all-too busy society where our attention is not as focused as it used to be. In the medical field, this can be deadly. If a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider fails his or her duty of care, resulting in injury or death to the patient, they can be held accountable. Medical malpractice cases are filed on a daily basis here in Dallas, which means our medical malpractice attorneys know the ropes and are here to help ensure justice is served. With that in mind, let’s look at the most common causes of medical malpractice:

  • Medical Errors – There are many different things that can happen medically, resulting in harm to the patient. From administering the wrong drug to giving a patient an improper dose of a medication or failing to inform a patient about the potential side effects and risks of a prescribed medication, medical errors happen every day.
  • Misdiagnosis – Another common cause of medical malpractice is misdiagnosis. If a doctor fails to diagnose a specific condition that an equally trained medical professional would have caught, it could lead to medical malpractice. With this, a wrong diagnosis can also be deadly and result in the patient not receiving the treatment they need.
  • Surgical Errors – Surgery is inherently complex and requires years of extensive training and intense focus. If a surgeon does not give the patient his or her undivided attention or makes a mistake of some kind, the result could be catastrophic.
  • Failure to Obtain Informed Consent – If a patient is not fully informed of their diagnosis or expected outcome, potential risks, or any alternatives, it could result in serious harm to the patient. It is imperative that all medical professionals obtain consent before moving forward with any procedure or diagnosis.
  • Medication Errors – As we mentioned briefly, medication errors are a leading cause of death and medical malpractice. Prescription drug malpractice can result from a doctor’s bad handwriting or failure to adequately inform a patient about the potential risks and side effects of a drug.

If you or a loved one was injured as the result of a doctor’s negligence or error, please contact Wormington & Bollinger today. We are experienced Dallas medical malpractice attorneys who are prepared to take on your case today.