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June 10, 2024

Hit by a Drunk Driver? Here’s What to Do Next

If you or a loved one has recently been in a DUI accident, it probably felt both terrifying and overwhelming at the same time. Not only is it normal to experience shock and confusion in the moment, but it can...
September 8, 2021

Insurance Claim Is Denied: What to Do Next

There’s almost nothing more frustrating than finding out your insurance claim is denied. After all, you have faithfully made your payments each month to your insurance company, and when it’s their turn to help with a claim, they come up...
June 13, 2019

Big Pharma Continues to Prey on Consumers 

It is no secret the United States is in the middle of an opioid epidemic. From 1999 to 2017, we have lost more than 700,000 people to a drug overdose. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 68...
March 22, 2019

Lennie Bollinger Rising Stars Super Lawyer

We are pleased to announce that Lennie F. Bollinger, of Wormington & Bollinger, has been selected to the 2019 Texas Rising Stars list. This is an exclusive list, recognizing no more than 2.5 percent of attorneys in the state. Super...
October 5, 2018

Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips

Halloween is just around the corner, which means it’s time to start getting those costumes ready. This fun holiday is a favorite for many, young and old alike. There is something about getting dressed up and either taking your kids...
May 21, 2018

North Carolina Nursing Home Accused of Elderly Abuse

A new video released last week shows employees at a North Carolina nursing home scolding a patient for soiling himself and then leaving him on the floor where he had fallen. According to the patient’s daughter, Rebecca Knapton, her 68-year-old...