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November 3, 2022

Watch Out for These Injury Risks on Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is what starts it all – the holiday shopping, yummy food, and getting together with family and friends. It's a special time of year, and there's nothing quite like it! Unfortunately, all that fun and celebration could come to...
September 8, 2022

First Steps to Filing a Wrongful Death Claim

Losing a loved one because of negligence or harm done by another person can be emotional and tough on those left behind. The reasons for filing a wrongful death claim can vary from seeking compensation for the loss of a...
March 22, 2022

Which Injuries Are Covered by Workers’ Comp?

It doesn’t matter what line of work you’re in or what your job may be in that area of expertise – accidents leading to injuries can happen quickly and unexpectedly. This is where worker’s compensation steps in. Worker’s comp injuries...
July 19, 2021

Crosswalk Injury Prevention for School Kids

Would you believe that the number of pedestrian deaths in 2019 hit the highest number in 30 years? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports there were 6,205 pedestrian deaths in 2019, and they expect the numbers to rise...
December 23, 2020

How to Avoid New Year’s Accidents

We are finally at the end of 2020! It seemed like every month presented new challenges for people all across the country. From the COVID-19 pandemic to social unrest and more, 2020 lead to a great deal of stress and...
October 8, 2020

Avoiding Common Halloween Accidents

As 2020 winds down, we have finally reached the holiday season, with Halloween just around the corner. Virtually the entire month is dedicated to dressing up, spooky stories, candy, and so much more. It’s an exciting time for everyone, regardless...