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April 8, 2024

How Can a Wrongful Death Attorney Help

Not only is it a painful and emotional experience to lose a loved one, but the situation is even more challenging when the death was caused by the negligence or reckless acts of another person. You need to prioritize your...
August 26, 2021

7 Signs that Something Is Wrong Post-Surgery

When you plan to have surgery, you look forward to the amazing results that the doctor told you to expect. You long to feel that sense of relief when you hear that things have gone well and your surgery is...
January 22, 2021

Examining the Effects of Texas Tort Reform

When people think about common causes of death in the United States, cancer, heart disease, and car accidents are often the first to come to mind. After all, heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death in...
January 3, 2020

Head Cold Costs Insurer a Shocking $25,865

Earlier this fall, 40-year-old Brooklyn resident Alexa Kasdan went to the doctor to get checked out for strep throat. About to leave on vacation, the last thing Kasdan wanted was to deal with a head cold during her trip. She...
September 5, 2019

Mentally Disabled Woman “willfully Tortured” By Caretakers

The country is full of facilities designed to care for and treat individuals who cannot properly care for themselves, including nursing homes. Some healthcare facilities specialize in caring for individuals with mental disabilities. Many of the patients are older and...