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September 25, 2015

Concerns Over Contaminated Medical Scopes on the Rise

Just last week the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to doctors and all healthcare professionals that bronchoscopes may transmit infections among patients when not cleaned properly. This is just the latest in a series of alerts that...
May 14, 2015

Most Common Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical errors are listed as the third-leading cause of death in the United States. A recent study uncovered that the number of patients who die from preventable medical errors is between 210,000 and 400,000 each year. These are both shocking...
May 8, 2015

Takeda Settles Lawsuit in Diabetes Case

Japan’s Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. recently announced that it would agree to pay $2.37 billion in order to resolve lawsuits over its diabetes medication, Actos. People throughout the country have been contacting lawyers and suing Takeda for hiding the fact that...
February 13, 2015

Common Types of Birth Injuries

While some birth injuries occur as the result of unavoidable complications, many are caused by the negligence or misjudgment of medical professionals. If you have recently given birth and your child has sustained a serious injury during the birthing process...