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November 23, 2020

Insurance Disputes: What You Should Know

Regardless of how careful you are, you cannot control the actions of others. Even if you follow all the rules and take all the safety precautions, you cannot prevent all accidents. While not every accident leads to severe outcomes, you...
May 20, 2016

What Are the Different Types of Debt Collectors?

Being harassed by a debt collector is never fun, no matter what type of debt you owe or how much. Unfortunately, many people in our economy today are struggling with overwhelming debt, in large part because of how poor our...
February 24, 2016

Understanding the Debt Collection Process

Just the words ‘debt collection’ are enough to make anyone cringe. Whether you owe medical bills, credit card bills, utility bills, or to a person, debtors absolutely dread hearing from collectors looking for money. Even if you have taken the...