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What to do After a Car Accident

Stressed Driver Sitting At Roadside After Traffic AccidentBeing involved in an automotive accident can be a stressful and traumatic experience. At Wormington & Bollinger, our attorneys specialize in automotive accidents of all types, and we’ve seen how people’s decisions following an incident can radically change the long-term outcome of the accident.

Of course, no one plans to be in an accident. However, in America automotive accidents are common and everyone who drives regularly should be prepared to deal with one. In 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that there were 2.24 million automotive accidents in the US. And while improvements in car safety standards have reduced death and serious injury from accidents to all-time lows, the consequences of an accident can still be severe.

When you’re involved in an auto accident, you have many things to consider. Of course safety for yourself and anyone else involved in the accident is the priority. But issues like damage to your vehicle, possible liability, and traffic citations are also important factors to consider. In this post, we’ll cover several important steps to consider when you’ve been in a car accident. Following these tips will help you and everyone involved resolve the accident in a fair and efficient manner.

  • Consider Safety Above All. While there are many issues to consider following an auto accident, safety should always be your priority. After an accident, make sure that you, anyone travelling with you, and any other parties involved are not suffering from serious injuries. Only exit your vehicle when it is safe to do so, and avoid confrontations with the other parties. If anyone needs medical attention, call 911 immediately.
  • Don’t Leave the Scene. In most cases, it is a crime to leave the scene of an auto accident. Even for a minor incident, you should stop, check on the status of the other driver, and exchange contact and insurance information. You should also report the accident to law enforcement. You may not need to 911 for a minor incident, but reporting a non-emergency accident is always advisable.
  • Don’t Volunteer too Much Information. It may be tempting to be apologetic following a collision. However, drivers should always be careful what they say immediately after an accident. Admitting fault or even just apologizing could cause legal issues in the future when it comes to arranging a settlement or contesting traffic citations. Of course, one should always be polite and communicate important information, but don’t over-share before the facts have been established.
  • Get the Right Information. Some people may experience “shell shock” after an accident and just want to get the issue over with quickly. However, don’t let this urge to move on prevent you from getting the information you’ll need. You should always get the contact and insurance information from any other drivers involved. You should also document the accident and any damage to your car with photos as soon as possible. Other important information such as the street name, direction of travel, and other descriptions of the accident are also important. These details may become foggy in the weeks after the accident, so write them down quickly. Presenting a clear and consistent account of the accident will help you when dealing with the police and insurance companies.
  • Visit a Doctor. If you have any injuries or medical issues following a car accident, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. Getting medical attention quickly is the best way to prevent any long-term consequences of an accident. Visiting a doctor will also help you document any injuries you may have for insurance and legal purposes. Don’t wait until 6 months later to discover you’ve got a back injury and the settlement has already been processed. Get medical advice quickly to ensure you are fairly compensated after the accident.

Finally, after an accident, remember to stay calm. Although a car accident is never a pleasant experience, you won’t gain anything by getting upset. Stay rational and composed at all times, and follow the guidelines above, and you’ll have the best opportunity to minimize the problems resulting from an accident and move on with your life.