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3 New Year’s Resolutions for Recovery After a Workplace Accident

No matter how you spin it, a workplace accident can be life-changing and not for the better. Unfortunately, it’s tough to deal with the consequences of your injury day in and day out, all because someone else made a poor choice or acted recklessly.

It’s important to know there are still happy things to come. When you are getting down about the medical bills, your current pain, and possibly even your new disability, making goals and New Year’s resolutions to get you through the recovery process can be inspiring and something to really look forward to and strive for.

  1. Physical Healing After a Workplace Accident

The first thing we think of after a workplace accident has occurred is the physical harm that has been done. You may have sustained mild injuries, or maybe your body is recovering from some very severe harm. Either way, taking the time to recover fully in the right way is important. Some things to consider doing during this time are:

  • Get the rest and sleep that your body needs to recover. Good sleep is important so that your body has what it needs to heal faster and more efficiently.
  • Eat healthy and nutritious foods and drinks. It takes a lot for your body to heal, and proper nutrients are required to do so. Your healing process will significantly benefit from nutrient and vitamin-dense foods. Talk to your doctor about the best diet for your recovery, and then follow it as close as possible for the best results.
  • Don’t skimp out on physical therapy. If you have been injured, even if it is not terribly severe, taking advantage of physical therapy and rehabilitation options is a good idea. Strengthening your body and rebuilding those muscles during the recovery process can get you back to a better, healthier, recovered body. You’ll see your strength and flexibility improve and your spirits lifted as you realize how your body responds to the hard work you are doing.
  1. Mental Healing and Restoration Following a Workplace Accident

It’s easy to feel uncertain and anxious about the recovery journey you have ahead of you, physically, mentally, and more. Like so many others, if you are suffering mentally from your injury, it’s critical that you recognize and address it. Often, mental healing is much harder to understand and work through than the physical pain we experience, but it is just as important!

Those that have experienced trauma and distress, like a workplace accident, may fight through various mental obstacles like anger, a quick temper, reoccurring nightmares, loss of appetite, and more. Accepting that your healing process should include more than just the body will help you fully heal. Your mind and body work together so closely. Fixing only one facet of your health will not improve your recovery near as much as addressing your whole self.

Dealing with psychological and emotional stress should be dealt with through a team approach. Professionals are trained in these specific areas of therapy and can work with you as you learn to recognize what you’re feeling and why. They will be able to properly take you through the healing process, and as you gain your confidence again, you’ll see the value in taking care of all parts of your health and wellbeing.

  1. Financial Recovery After a Workplace Accident

Your mind and body aren’t always the only things that need restoration after a workplace accident. Your finances can take a hefty toll when you’re injured and have medical bills pouring in, and are possibly unable to continue working. Therefore, keeping your finances in check is vital. There are a few options that can help you out:

  • Don’t Forget to File a Workers Compensation claim. If you are hurt at work, the good news is that you can receive financial compensation for any losses that occurred because of that injury. This can include compensation for medical expenses, missed time at work, and more. Talk with your Human Resources department about how to file a claim, and for even more dependable assistance, think about obtaining a lawyer to help you through the process.

An attorney can help ensure that you are not talked out of the assistance you really need. They have professional experience in building your claim to make sure you get what you deserve. Having someone else worry about dealing with insurance, worker’s compensation, and more can be highly beneficial as you are continuing to heal from your injury.

  • Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer. Hiring a personal injury attorney from the beginning can help ensure your finances are protected from the start. Your case may have to go to court, or you might just need help fighting a denial from insurance. You will most likely come upon many reasons it would be wise to hire a lawyer.

One of the many advantages of having an attorney advise you through court is you will be able to file for compensation from pain and suffering as well as emotional hardship. Workers’ compensation claims do not take these things into account.

Ask for Help in Your Recovery

When you’re hurt on the job, it’s never easy to recover without help. There are so many things that go into mending your body, mind, and finances. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can’t and shouldn’t do it alone, and people are willing to help.

If you have recently been injured in a workplace accident, hiring an attorney can be amazing protection and help for you and your injury claim. A lawyer can help educate you on all the different options you have to get you back to the life you loved before your injury. Wormington & Bollinger are the reliable team you will want working on your behalf. For more information or answers to your questions and concerns, contact us today.