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Tips to Keep You Safe While in the Hospital

tips-to-keep-you-safe-while-in-the-hospital-wormington-and-bollinger-mckinney-law-firmGoing to the hospital is often a nerve-wracking experience, whether you are in for a minor surgery or something more serious. With the increasing number of hospital errors and negligence on the part of trusted medical professionals, it is no wonder why people are becoming more skeptical about long-term hospital stays. During the holidays alone, more than 15,000 people are treated in the emergency room for injuries sustained from falls, fires, car accidents, and even gift-opening complications. With this in mind, it is more important than ever for people to be aware of what they can do to stay safe during a hospital stay. While we go to the hospital thinking we will receive the care and attention necessary to get us back to good health, the number of deaths from medical errors is scary. By knowing what to do before, after, and during your hospital stay, you will be better prepared to stay safe while under the care of the hospital staff.

According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 10 hospital patients in developed countries are harmed during their care. Along with this, preventable hospital errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. Furthermore, approximately 725,000 people in the U.S. develop infections during a hospital stay, and 75,000 of these individuals die as a result. These surprising numbers are just a couple of the reasons why we want to take the time today to go over a few tips to help you stay safe during a hospital stay.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Many people shy away from asking questions of medical professionals, as they assume they know what they are doing and are following proper protocol. However, one of the most important things you can do to keep both yourself and loved ones safe when in the hospital is to ask questions. These questions can be about the medicines you are being instructed to take, any concerns about an upcoming surgery or appointment, and so on.
  • Keep an eye out for infections. As mentioned above, infections are a leading cause of injury and death in hospitals. By taking measures to prevent infections, you will be doing your part to remain healthy and have a speedy recovery. Make sure you wash your hands on a regular basis (more often than you normally would) and encourage everyone who visits you to do the same. Ask the nursing staff to check and clean or remove all catheters and IVs on a daily basis, as these are often the source of deadly infections.
  • Work towards being discharged. Depending on what you are in the hospital for, it is recommended that you do everything you can do get discharged as soon as possible. You or your advocate should inquire about a discharge plan as soon as possible. This plan should give you information on follow-up appointments, when you need to see your primary doctor, and if you will need any additional tests. The sooner you are discharged from the hospital, the better.
  • Have an advocate by your side. Regardless of what you are in the hospital for, make sure you have a friend or family member with you to serve as your advocate. Being admitted to the hospital can be overwhelming in itself, which is why it is imperative that you have someone to help catch mistakes, ask questions, and keep notes. This is especially true if you are in the hospital over the holidays or on weekends, as staffing is typically reduced during these times, which can lead to more errors.

We hope these tips will help you stay safe in the event you are admitted to the hospital. If you or a loved one sustains an additional injury or is the victim of medical malpractice, please contact Wormington & Bollinger today.